rust wave

Growth and Abandon

Exploring some details on my walk this week, I found growth and abandon simultaneously in this Dorset garden. Nature will always take over if given the chance and in the broken leg of an old swing, it found an ideal opportunity.

broken swing

RGB or red, green and blue I found in the plastics which never disintegrate however long they are left while the patterns of rusty metal could tell or prompt any number of stories. You could weigh inContinue reading

Beauty and the Beast

Thistle and bee

It could be said that the image above, taken on my return from the salt marsh to the park on this my sixth and final walk from the past, depicts a beauty and a beast. However, while the beauty the post title refers to could be said to be the thistle or any of the natural environment of this walk, the reference to the beast Continue reading

Poles and Perspective

The fencing, and scaffolding poles holding it up, create what I am sure would be a beautiful mathematical formula, if you are that way inclined. The poles themselves may not be the most beautiful objects on their own, but seen together in perspective and with the gentle twist from where they have collapsed creates, for me, a distinct beauty of line, pattern and the mathematical dynamics of nature . . . to say nothing of the colours and reflections!

Colwyn Bay fencing

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Liquid Gold

There has been no temperature adjustment or colour cast put on these images. whatever you do the liquid gold stays gold, it’s just the carat that changes!

Obviously I am exaggerating but it is true that I had no desire to make changes. The photos capture something of the beauty and peace that I enjoyed on a late afternoon Winter walk around this Middlesbrough lake. The Coots had found an area without ice and as I walked I was in continual awe at the ever changing light.

Lake Sunset-7

Lake Sunset-10

Beauty in Age

Maybe it’s just me but I find these dying daffodils still hold their beauty. It is just different to when they were young.

Dying Daffodils