Looking east

My Walk this Week 200 – Overlooking the Landscape from Paxton’s Tower

My walk this week was in a location carefully selected to not have many other people around – Paxton’s Tower in Carmarthenshire, Wales. Please remember that these blog posts are not intended to prompt you to go out during this difficult time with the Coronavirus, but rather to bring the outside in and hopefully help with some of the difficulties of confinement. For more free StillWalks® resources visit my previous post.

Looking north west

It was a beautiful day and the views from the hill on top of which Paxton’s Tower sits were also beautiful. The photos below look in all geographical directions as well as up at and up in the tower. There are some details too – signs of Spring and the patterns and textures of the full cycle of life.

Can you see the horned creature leaping out of the dead tree? Continue reading

Anatomy of the Beast – Fantasy and Reality

It was easy for me to think of and describe the images of yesterdays post in living terms. Is this the belly of the beast below, and its throat? My assumption that the industry was steel was correct but without more specific knowledge of the plant, I could not name the various parts of its anatomy.

I took a look at the site of these photos on Google Maps – it is very different as you would expect. I was able to put a name to the company as well – all this weeks photos are from the steel processing plant of Celsa Steel UK in Cardiff.
giant duct work

giant duct work

A Mother of Industry

This huge industrial structure of ducts looks to me like a giant metal insect sitting on and protecting its brood.

Cardiff Industry


The yellow “veins” of the “creature” allow the “worker colony” to get about the complex.



And below, a sign of real life flies overhead.
