Transitioning – Reflecting on the Light

Evening cloud reflection

Transitioning from late in the day to early evening on my walk from the past this week takes me from the muted light of the local park in the shade of the surrounding greenery with its blackbirds and dandelion clocks, to the reflection of sunlight on clouds on the surface of the Loughor River with its dark waters. Continue reading

My Walk this Week – Signs of an Elephant

Over the next six weeks “My Walk this Week” will be describing selected walks I have taken in the past. For this week I am looking back at a walk I called Ditch Hikers Walk and produced as a StillWalks video. The walk is located at Skanda Vale in Carmarthenshire and does not feature an elephant, Continue reading

Wildflowers Down by The Waterside

While the drama of a new alpaca being born was going on “back at the ranch” (see yesterday’s post), I was enjoying a very peaceful stroll around the lake at The Waterside. While there is so much growth during this time of year, the specific time cycle of development is slightly different for each plant and many wildflowers and this will vary further according to the conditions from year to year and location to location.

So we see here in this hidden South Wales valley the foxgloves in full bloom but the thistle flowers just coming through, the dandelions seeding and the bullrushes getting ready to disperse their seed. There seems to be so much going on – as I have said in previous posts, nature has pounced!

Bullrushes by the lake

Bullrushes by the lake

Lakeside Birds

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Playing Soldiers and Marking Time – Pembrey Seed Heads

We used to have games of “soldiers” with these Ribwort Plantains when we were young – trying in turn to knock the head off each others “soldier”. Perhaps decapitate would be a more accurate term!

And of course everyone tells the time by the Dandelion seed head – what other way is there to do it?

