jewelled bank

My Walk This Week – Ready for Growth

My walk this week returns to the National Botanic Garden of Wales. It was Mother’s Day here in the UK and we took the opportunity of our membership to visit at a time when so many plants and flowers are getting ready for growth.

prepared for growth

We can see the plants in our own garden getting ready for growth of course, but we do not have a team of volunteer gardeners and professionals attending to it and neither do we have the wonderful range of native andContinue reading

red red rose

A Red Red Rose – Reviewing the Walk

I selected a very beautiful deep red rose as my featured image for this post but if you first see the post in an email, you will have to click through to see the image which comes at the end of the selected images for my review of the walk.

Museum in the Park

The rose itself I found in the orangery which was being restored at the back of the Museum in the Park in Stratford Park, Stroud. I was visiting the museum to see the exhibition of knotted tapestries by Anne Jackson but I also plannedContinue reading

Gerbera? arrangement

Garden in the Museum in the Park

It may be that the title of this post sounds a little odd, but the Museum in the Park is the name of the museum and it has a beautiful new garden at the back of the building. The park is Stratford Park in Stroud and my walk this week took me around it after viewing  a Anne Jackson‘s exhibition of knotted tapestry in the museum gallery.


I entered the garden by the entrance beside the orangery (see previous post) and enjoyed every visual, aural and tactile moment in the place. I can’t includeContinue reading

Welsh Poppy

Before and After

So on my saunter down the garden for “my walk this week”, this is what our flowering cherry tree looks like – after the pruning it was given a few weeks ago. Our friend Joe did a fantastic job of untangling branches from telegraph wires and opening the tree out to allow more light amongst its foliage. You can see the before and after photos is in the image set below.

Cherry Tree

The tree is still green but in other places the greens are changing to yellows with the brightness of a lone Welsh poppy still standing out against the backdrop.Continue reading

Winter Jasmine

My Walk this Week – Autumn Garden

My walk this week is not so much a walk as a saunter down our garden. Having completed a very hectic few weeks of work, I allowed myself a short mid-week lie in and so didn’t set off down the garden to our studio until mid morning. The day was fairly bright, although it had been raining through the night – the result was one of bright colour and it lifted my heart and brought a smile to my face.

flower pots

I wouldn’t ever claim our garden is worthy of being placed next to many others “fancier” ones I know of, but I love it just as it is. It seems to be in a permanent state of being in the middle of things being done – but perhaps that is how a garden should be!?Continue reading

Trackside wildflowers

Wildflowers – Selected Favourites

The wildflowers I have been posting images about this week were all photographed within a half mile along this coastal track in south west Scotland.

Coastal track

It will be hard to pick out my favourites but this may be partly helped by selecting not only the flowers I particularly like (all of them!) but also the photographs that I think work well for one reason or another.Continue reading

Wildflowers-wild rose

A Week of Wildflowers

On one of the short walks I took while away in Scotland recently I made a point of looking out for and photographing the various wildflowers along my route on the shore.

Wildflowers - Honeysuckle

It was June and so I suppose they were to be expected but when you start looking out for them, it is still amazing just how many there are. Continue reading