dinner time

Fauna Findings 3 in Scotland – Feeding Frenzy

A feeding frenzy of young swallows was one of the most impressive dramas of our stay on the South West coast of Scotland last month. The young birds were fledging and the aerobatics the parents performed to catch insects in flight for their offspring was utterly amazing. Time and time again they would wheel and dive and change direction so abruptly you would think they would leave their brains behind, let alone their stomachs.

house martins

These aerobatics went on for a day or two and then the young ones took to the sky and there was even more drama as their parents fed them on the wing andContinue reading

Season to Season – On the Cusp

The birds are still fledging so I am still calling it Spring even though we are now in June.

As a final set for the season before I start calling it Summer, here are some of the selected images from the StillWalk “Coastal Walk” from Springtime in Scotland. More to come over the weekend.

Looking at other blogs this morning, I have just discovered it is World Oceans Day today – so perhaps this post is appropriate, at least in the video if not in these specific images. Click the link above to watch.

Click on the images to enlarge.

Coastal Walk Spring

Coastal Walk Spring – Goldfinch

Coastal Walk Spring

Coastal Walk Spring – Chaffinch

Coastal Walk Spring

Coastal Walk Spring

Coastal Walk Spring

Coastal Walk Spring