Welcome to StillWalks® The small collection of videos below show walks in all seasons at Lliw Valley Reservoir in South Wales. They are free for all to use anytime, anywhere to help you relax and de-stress in a hectic world. There are over fifty StillWalks® videos in locations all over the UK and one or two in France. Subscription/membership to use these is coming soon.
StillWalks® videos use still photography and field recording from the time and place of the walk. There are no voiceovers and no music, just environmental sounds of the walk.
The landscape around the reservoir is thickly blanketed in white as the unique sound of footfall on fresh snow and crunchy ice complements the echoing sheep and buzzards. Water splashes and drips as it joins the river flowing through the valley and into the reservoir. Colourful corkscrews of old bracken reflect the rust in crooked fences and though it may be cold, the beauty of the season is presented for all to sense.
It’s early Spring and the waters are flowing around and into the reservoir on this breezy day. Walkers enjoy the sheltered peace of the valley, as do the birds. Young shoots are just beginning to show and the sound of gently lapping water reflects the ripples on its surface. The footpath twists and turns alongside a rusty, distorted fence as the walk circumnavigates this beautiful Welsh valley reservoir.
This Summer evening walk around the reservoir shows the amazing greenery of the valley, the light and shade of the footpath, the wildflowers and wildlife. Patterns abound and peace reigns as the light fades and sun goes down, owls call and the moon rises.
Colours and reflections, patterns and textures, bird calls, leaf crunching footfall and flowing water – all contribute to make this seasonal stroll round the reservoir in Autumn a wonderful celebration of how man and nature can complement each other.
Walking up the valley from Lower to Upper Lliw Reservoir brings the sound of wind as well as water. The more open landscape reveals rocky outcrops and escarpments. A cascade of water flows from the reservoir at the head of the valley and the birds rejoice as you descend the path to return to the start.