Workshops and Walks and Facilitation
Anxiety can range from mild to extreme and exist in any individual whether physically and mentally healthy or not. It can be wide ranging and general or triggered by specific aspects of living in the world today.
StillWalks aims in its simplest form to help calm a person’s immediate sense of stress.
The aim of StillWalks sessions and workshops is to instil a sustainable sense of connection to the world – one that promotes a greater sense of individual control through awareness, health and wellbeing. This in turn leads to raised levels of resilience or an ability not only to cope with the world but to benefit from it.
Facilitation Training, Screen Sessions, Workshops and Projects
To receive further information or to book training, screening sessions, workshops or walks, please contact StillWalks.
Workshops can be provided at several levels and be designed appropriately for different groups of people or individuals. The purpose of providing StillWalks workshops is to make available a different approach to enhancing a sense of health and wellbeing and develop personal resilience in people who are suffering a degree of anxiety about the world they live in.
Beyond basic StillWalks screenings there are opportunities for a group of people (max 12) or individuals to follow a series of led StillWalks sessions which use both selected StillWalks videos and led walks to develop sensory perception, imagination, creativity, physical and mental health and wellbeing, understanding and connection to the the world they inhabit and above all, awareness.
Workshops and screenings are available to both those who can or cannot get out and about.
What People Say
Helen Grey, European and External Funding Programme Officer, Economic Regeneration and Planning Division, City and County of Swansea.

“I’ve worked with Alastair on projects and programmes where he has clearly delivered the benefits that an environment can provide in a sustainable way and enabled participants, young and old and of various backgrounds and abilities, to gain an insight to the connections that exist between them and everything around them.
The techniques he uses to raise awareness and to understand and increase connectivity between self, others and environment can be a challenge but really work, especially if used regularly over time, with benefits to both the individual and at group / organisation level.
Working with Alastair provided everyone on the project with a new way of viewing all sorts of issues, internally and externally. It allowed us to be more imaginative in our approach to working together and to work together better.”
“Thanks so much for your French Evening Walk, I was having a very anxious time with my wife suddenly ill and this was real respite, just lifted me out of my situation and gave some precious time in fresh air to nourish spirit and hope.” Joseph

“When I watched the Woodland Walk, I found myself beginning to relax and calm down. It was like I was transported to another world, just for a few minutes, which brought a breath of fresh air into my busy mind and interrupted me for long enough to gain a different perspective on the things I have to do. Jane Rogers

“They make me happy!” Allysse