StillWalks - Making Natural Connections

Intro video text here

[spacerpanel id="6"]Now available to download or use online in your own time.[/spacerpanel]


If you are unable to view the video above, please read the Intro script here.

The StillWalks system "Making Natural Connections" Level 1 can bring you benefits such as:

  • stress reduction
  • sense of wellbeing
  • improved sleep quality

By following the system at Level 2 you can also:

  • increase your awareness
  • develop your imagination and creative thinking
  • improve your stress management
  • improve your concentration

[spacerpanel id="6"]What people have said[/spacerpanel]

"Such a joy to take this walk with you, Alastair. I love the creaky gate sounds, and some of these had clasps, too, it sounded like. I don’t walk through a gate anymore without listening intently to it, thanks to you. And those sheep had such strong voices! Great to hear your footsteps, the bird song, and the strong wind. Beautiful photos, too. I like the sweet alpacas and the first photo “heavy weather.” Such beauty here, thank you." - Jet 

"What a lovely walk, that includes birdsong, water, the clank of a metal gate and even a very contented goat" - Sandra

"Your photos and soundscapes bring so much pleasure – thank you!" - Alison

"I listened to the recording, I closed my eyes and yes it was the unmistakeable mountain call. At least for me it certainly was. I was born and bred in . . . . and this is the beautiful song of nature I would listen to everyday. You have captured and described the heart and soul of these mountains. From its sheer loneliness, the great views and the beauty of the surrounding country side. I want to say a big thank you Alastair for bringing this beautiful place that I had the pleasure of once calling home." - Cheryl

[spacerpanel id="19" headingtext="LEVEL 1 - Wellbeing Through Relaxation"]Click here to Use Online (good quality with upgrade available) or here to Download (higher quality)[/spacerpanel]

[spacerpanel id="20" headingtext="LEVEL 2 - Wellbeing Through Awareness"]Click here to Use Online (good quality with upgrade available) or Download (higher quality)[/spacerpanel]

[spacerpanel id="21" headingtext="LEVEL 3 - Wellbeing Through Sensory Focus"]Coming soon[/spacerpanel]

[spacer height="20px"]Video introduction text

Hello, I’m Alastair Duncan, Founder and Developer of StillWalks.

What is StillWalks I hear you ask, and how can it benefit me?

StillWalks is a video resource aimed primarily at promoting health and wellbeing. The videos use still photography and sound recording unique to the time and place of the walks. They provide a relaxing and meditative experience of different environments without the intervention of music or voiceover. This can provide an immersive effect.

The videos are calming and can be used on their own as an aid to addressing stress, anxiety and depression. This is Level 1 of the StillWalks System, “Making Natural Connections”.

Longer term use as part of a more structured programme at Levels 2 and 3 can bring about a more sustainable sense of health and wellbeing as well as many other benefits such as awareness, resilience, improved concentration and creative thinking.

Scientific research programmes around the world and an increasing number of media articles are showing the benefits to be gained from a natural environment, bringing as they do, a sense of mental and physical wellbeing. Still images or video of a green space can lower heart rate, muscle tension and blood pressure.

The StillWalks System, “Making Natural Connections” is designed to help you improve your sense of wellbeing through managing stress and anxiety, building resilience and benefitting from your surroundings, whether natural or man-made.

StillWalks, as I said, uses still images in the videos and this is an important aspect of the techniques used to focus the mind and promote a sense of relaxation. They help to make your viewing experience active rather than passive, immersing you in the location of the walk, and it is the focusing of your visual and aural senses that provide an often meditative experience and makes the videos calming.

StillWalks can be valuable to anyone, whether you can get outside or not. You may be confined in some way or perhaps you feel you don’t have the time, or maybe it’s just raining again! If you can’t get outside, for whatever reason, StillWalks can “bring the outside in” for you.

The videos can also bring benefits even if you are not confined to being indoors. By following the “Making Natural Connections” system and developing your visual and aural awareness, the skills and experience you gain from the different levels of the system can be put into practice any time you are out for a walk. Indeed, I hope the videos will prompt you to walk whenever you are able.

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[spacerpanel id="19" headingtext="LEVEL 1 - Wellbeing Through Relaxation"]Click here to Use Online (good quality with upgrade available) or here to Download (higher quality)[/spacerpanel]

[spacerpanel id="20" headingtext="LEVEL 2 - Wellbeing Through Awareness"]Click here to Use Online (good quality with upgrade available) or Download (higher quality)[/spacerpanel]

[spacerpanel id="21" headingtext="LEVEL 3 - Wellbeing Through Sensory Focus"]Coming soon[/spacerpanel]