Early Morning Bluebells

The Bluebells are still in the shade here but they were out all over the place while we were in Scotland and they were ready and waiting for us when we got back to Wales too.

Scottish Bluebells

That Early Morning Dew

Early morning sunlight, dew on the grass and flowers – what more could you ask for?

The Daffodils have been and almost gone at Easter time in Galloway, Scotland but the Bluebells are coming through and both the flowers and the grass look like they are revealing in the early morning sun.

dew on Bluebells

dew on grass

dew on grass

On Returning Home

Firstly I must thank everyone for the likes and comments made while we have been away. If  I have not done much liking or commenting on my first day back from our Easter break, I can only apologise. Things will gradually get back to normal over the coming days and weeks.

The thickening carpet of Cherry blossom petals in our garden confirms what we expected – i.e. we would miss a large part of the tree’s Springtime display while we were away in Scotland.

But we are not sad because we had a great time with mostly excellent weather and some very enjoyable walks. I will be posting some of my photography from our trip to NE England and SW Scotland as soon as I get the chance to process it.

The photo below was taken on my iPhone.

Cherry Blossom Petals

White Bluebells or Blue Bluebells

Spring is the only season left for me to produce a video from Lower Lliw Reservoir. I am hoping that now that the bluebells are coming out in our garden, there may also be some showing themselves at the reservoir.

I wonder if they will be white bluebells or blue bluebells?

Photos were taken on my iPhone 5c.

Bluebells WhiteBluebells Blue



A Walk in the Spring

If all has gone to plan, this is where I should have been at 5 AM this morning!

I checked that the Bluebells had not finished their stint for this Spring and looked at the weather forecast. All seemed good for an early morning start for a new StillWalks production at Penllergaer Woods on the outskirts of Swansea.

Spring has been very late this year and so even though we are heading towards Summer (fingers crossed), some of the trade marks of the season are still around us. I have produced StillWalks here in both Autumn and Winter and so when I have them for all the seasons, it will be good to review them all together.

Penllergaer Bluebells
. . . and this is where I had breakfast.


Blackbirds and Co

Taking a walk in the park the other evening we heard and saw this Blackbird and others as well as enjoying the Bluebells. Photos and sound recorded on my iPhone.

Blackbird singing


Netting Patterns – Extras from the Riding Shows

Whenever I am doing equestrian photography I like to try and find a little time to take some extra shots of the things around the show field.

Last weekend I was there in time to take a short walk around the adjacent woods and the first thing I came across was this netting caught in some branches – it had been a windy week!  The pattern of the netting seemed to echo the patterns in the trees and, perhaps because I am a tapestry weaver, I was intrigued by the effect it had blowing in the wind – quite ethereal really.

The Bluebells I found further along the path were more traditionally attractive 🙂

Netting Patterns Netting Patterns Netting Patterns Netting Patterns

