White and curly

The Horns Have It at the Agricultural Show

The horns were my first focus of attention as I walked round our local agricultural show. There are any number of these shows during the Summer and ours comes at the end.

black horn

The weather was good enough (dry) and the sheep were panting away in their stalls as they waited to go on show and be judged. If the winning feature were horns, I’d give it to these two fine pairs below in black and white.Continue reading

Passing Underneath

The puddle below tells the story of the weather and the long horned cows underneath the M4 motorway bridge know that story as well as the farmer and I do. Having constructed a coral for his cattle the farmer has given some convenient shelter to these mothers with their calves and allowed me to walk without fear of being pronged by one of those sharp looking objects.

The railway bridge which also crosses this footpath is made of older material than concrete and the various colours of the stone used create a fascinating pattern within pattern in the construction of the bridge. You will have to watch the video at the end of the week to see more.

Under the motorway

puddle reflection

colourful railway bridge stone