Walking Among the Flowers

Cow Parsley and Columbine – my StillWalks production along the “Floral Walk” at Pembrey Country Park in Carmarthenshire, Wales last Summer ended back in the car park which hidden in a clearing in the woods.

The walk was beautiful and the only thing that interrupted the peacefulness of the place was the intermittent sound of jet fighters flying overhead on exercises! As soon as I finish the video I will make it available on the StillWalks website and it may need to include the sound of those jet planes in places!

Pembrey Wildflowers

Pembrey Wildflowers

Playing Soldiers and Marking Time – Pembrey Seed Heads

We used to have games of “soldiers” with these Ribwort Plantains when we were young – trying in turn to knock the head off each others “soldier”. Perhaps decapitate would be a more accurate term!

And of course everyone tells the time by the Dandelion seed head – what other way is there to do it?

