River rapids

My Walk this Week 190 – River Ely

My walk this week was a short one by the River Ely on the edge of Cardiff and slotted in between the rain and meetings. The profusion of recent rain was showing its effect on the river, though I am sure this is nothing compared to other areas of the country.

Natural casualties

The sights and sounds of the river rushing and gurgling along during lunchtime break in a nearby school (you can hear the children in the playground) was intermittently overlaid by the speeding by of  local and intercity trains.Continue reading

My Walk this Week – Late Afternoon, York University

While away over New Year I enjoyed an exploratory walk around York University campus. This isn’t the campus! I set out rather later in the afternoon than I had realised and it was only seeing how low the sun was in the sky as I walked towards the university that I realised the time.

The low light levels didn’t help my photography but there would be no point in presenting bright shots of a walk in dim light.

Late afternoon sunlight

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