Winter Jasmine

My Walk this Week – Autumn Garden

My walk this week is not so much a walk as a saunter down our garden. Having completed a very hectic few weeks of work, I allowed myself a short mid-week lie in and so didn’t set off down the garden to our studio until mid morning. The day was fairly bright, although it had been raining through the night – the result was one of bright colour and it lifted my heart and brought a smile to my face.

flower pots

I wouldn’t ever claim our garden is worthy of being placed next to many others “fancier” ones I know of, but I love it just as it is. It seems to be in a permanent state of being in the middle of things being done – but perhaps that is how a garden should be!?Continue reading

A Well Kept Secret – Exploring Tennant Canal

The Tennant Canal at Jersey Marine is just a few miles from the centre of Swansea. The area is surrounded by works and roads, developments and housing, but before you reach any of those things, you would have to climb over the small hills that surround Pant-y-Sais Fen alongside which the canal flows.

This haven of (relative) peace and nature is like a well kept secret – if you didn’t know it was there, you wouldn’t think to take a look. The M4 motorway twists past at one end and there is currently a major development for Swansea University being carried out on the seaward side. But the sound of this activity is not to be heard such is the noise absorbing effect of the topography along with trees and other vegetation. The wind in the reeds and the more noticeable and pleasurable sound.

Complementary images are posted on Instagram through the week and can also be seen on the sidebar of the StillWalks blog.

Tennant Canal Swansea

Pant-y-Sais Fen, Jersey Marine

Tennant Canal-3