Travelling Back in Woodland Time

I have had a couple of walks in Carmarthenshire recently in spite of wet weather. During these excursions I found this dinosaur-like mossy monster. I don’t know if this woodland should be described as ancient, but it certainly seemed like it to me, and with this “creature” lurking there it seemed even more as though I had gone back in time.

Complementary images to my walks this week can be found directly on Instagram or via the sidebar images on the StillWalks blog. Images displayed here and on Instagram are a mixture of iPhone and Canon DSLR photography.


Carmarthenshire Moss Monster

A Flash of Fungi

I posted an iPhone photo of these little lamp-like mushrooms on Instagram recently. This is a shot taken on my Canon 550D (using flash). I can take good photos on my iPhone 5c but on this occasion it was definitely easier to get a better shot with the Canon.


Standing in the Sun

The moss on this woodland branch seems to be enjoying a glimpse of sun as much as I enjoyed seeing it. I know that this is a pretty common view of moss but that does not make any less pleasing to the eye 🙂


Tangled Woods

Looking deep into the damp woods of a welsh valley reveals quite a tangle of mossy branches. When walking through woodland I often get the urge to delve deeply into their interior, no matter how dense that may be. I wonder if the woods would feel this was an invasion or a connection?

Exploration like this is not such a great risk in Britain as it would be in other larger countries. However, that does not mean that the risk is not there, so don’t wander too far from the path folks!

Tangled Woods

Tangled Woods

Columns and Context

I like the arrangement of these lighting columns in Cardiff Bay but to put them properly in context you need to look at the wider picture at the bottom of this post.

I thought the dark lump on the glass discs in the second image was something nasty but on closer inspection, it looks like it is a lump of moss . . . so that’s one for the Moss Appreciation Society!

Cardiff Columns

Cardiff Bay Architecture-14

Cardiff Columns

Mossy Monster

Alien monsters seem to be a feature of forests where old fallen trees grow a thick covering of moss over their ever shortening broken branches. This is certainly not the first time I have found a many tentacled creature like this in the woods.

mossy woodland monster