A Little Splash of Pink

It may be a common wild flower, but that doesn’t make it any less pretty – another photo from the Pembrey Country park “Floral Walk” in Carmarthenshire, Wales.

Pembrey Wild Flowers

Pembrey Wild Flowers

Clematis Montana Freda

Clematis Montana “Freda” – this was our compensation for not seeing so much of our Cherry blossom this year. Though the plant is not yet very extensive, it has put out its best set of flowers yet and is a great pleasure to see on the edge of our patio 🙂

Photos courtesy of my iPhone 5c.



Pink – Botanic Gardens, Swansea

More questions of identity – I knew the yellow flowers in yesterday’s post from the Botanic Gardens in Swansea, but I do not know any of these. I am sure I have seen them all before but do not know their names. Somebody help, please!

Botanic gardens, Swansea

Botanic gardens, Swansea

Botanic gardens, Swansea

Botanic gardens, Swansea

You can use the new Donate button below to help StillWalks. Pay how much you want and receive a high quality download of this week’s featured StillWalks video – “Autumn Lakeside Walk” from Gnoll Park, Neath, South Wales. Click the image below to watch the video.

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Poppies Are Prettier

I took these photographs of flowers on the same day I took those shots of fences and sheep. Whatever way you look at it, Poppies are prettier than sheep!

The Welsh Poppy is one of my favourite flowers and is beautiful at every stage. Here the flower’s petals had just dropped. It must be one of the last for this year and the petals fell as I was setting up for the shot.

Welsh Poppy

Welsh Poppy

Hemp Agrimony

Hemp Agrimony

You can use the new Donate button below to help StillWalks, pay what you want and receive a download of this week’s featured StillWalks video “Troserch Woodland Walk“, click the image below to watch the sample.

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Yesterday white, today pink – a couple more images from the Springtime StillWalk produced at Clyne Gardens, Swansea. If you would like to take a stroll through the gardens and hear the multitude of bird conversations, play the Park Walk video and don’t forget those viewing tips (see yesterday’s post).

Rhodadendron / Azalea

Rhodadendron / Azalea

