rosebay willow herb

From Pink to Pink – Wildflowers in the Valley

My walk this week follows on from one taken six weeks ago when the pink wildflowers in our local valley were rhododendrons – now the field of pink comes from rosebay willow herb.

rosebay willow herb

You could argue about the name of the colour either in the willow herbs, thistles or the rhododendrons and foxgloves, but they all sit within a narrow range of pinks/mauves/purples in Cwm Dulais. The rowan tree (also known as mountain ash) brings a touch of orangeContinue reading

Frilly Fungi on the Footpath

One of the good things about my walk this week being the reverse of the same route taken a couple of weeks ago, is that I noticed different things. I must have passed this big tree stump with the frilly patterns of fungi all over it on my previous walk here, but if I looked in that direction as I walked, then I didn’t “see” it and subsequently made no note of it in my mind. Nor did I notice the rhododendron which seemed to stand out to me with its bright colour – it is of course possible that the flower was not there two weeks ago!

valley footpath

fungi patterns


Enjoying the Waterfall

There are people hidden in this first photo today from my walk this week at Penllergare Valley Woods – you can just see them near the centre of the image. They are enjoying the area on the river where the waterfall from the lake flows over the rock arrangement constructed by John Dillwyn Llewellyn back in the 19th century when he was developing the original valley gardens.

Penllergaer Woods-8

The colour of the rhododendrons in this image is accompanied by foxgloves below, and then there is the beautiful yellow of buttercups in a marshy looking meadow displaying the lushness of the environment at this time of year.

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My Walk this Week – Woodland Wander

My walk this week takes me back to Penllergare Valley Woods. I have produced StillWalks videos of all four seasons here but that is no reason not to take another look. In this walk the conditions are inevitably different and as well as that, further work has been done in the park by The Penllergare Trust volunteers.

I don’t remember this arbour and arch being here perviously and of course, the next time I visit, it will have grown more and changed again.

willow arbour in the making

I wil  be posting just one or two sound clips from the woods through this week, but I have a soundscape for the walk to post on Sunday with the walk review.

Penllergare Woodland Sounds

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Yesterday white, today pink – a couple more images from the Springtime StillWalk produced at Clyne Gardens, Swansea. If you would like to take a stroll through the gardens and hear the multitude of bird conversations, play the Park Walk video and don’t forget those viewing tips (see yesterday’s post).

Rhodadendron / Azalea

Rhodadendron / Azalea



Stress Signal Status

Aching, painful muscles?



My stress signals include these three symptoms and probably in that order. StillWalks or walking are my most immediate remedies.

Tinnitus – The tinnitus comes second in the list even though it is a constant in my left ear. It is when it becomes a textured and vibrating whine that it gets more difficult to accept and it does this at times of greater stress . . . and then, of course, I get more stressed as a result.

Muscles – It’s the same situation with the muscles – the pain in the muscles (often my neck, currently my shoulders) may be the cause of stress or something else but the result is the tensing of those and other muscles which only makes things worse.

Headaches – These come last on the list for me because I do not generally get headaches. When I do, it is usually the result of stress. I have only ever had a couple of migraines but that is two too many. A good description for them was put up here at the A Word in Your Ear blog last week.

It’s Amazing – I’ve just watched a StillWalk and it’s amazing how well can work! The Garden Park Walk is a full length example – you’ll find it on the Spring Walks page of StillWalks and it is recommended that you watch it full screen.

Here are a few images from this short 6 minute video.

Magnolia, Clyne Gardens, Swansea

Magnolia, Clyne Gardens, Swansea

Clyne Gardens, Swansea

Clyne Gardens, Swansea

Clyne Gardens, Swansea

Clyne Gardens, Swansea

Rhodadendron, Clyne Gardens, Swansea

Rhododendron, Clyne Gardens, Swansea