Taste of Gower Oxwich 6 – Stripes on the Beach

wet stripes on Oxwich beach

Stripes of water and sand on the beach and stripes of cloud in the sky at Oxwich Bay (see below).

On my walk this week with the Taste of Gower walkers at Oxwich Bay, the walkers ahead of me stretch across the beach and as the sun comes round I find that using my zoom lens (a Canon 70-300 mm 1:4 – 5.6 IS USM for those of you who are interested) brings out the contrast of light and dark. This both emphasises the striped patterns on the beach and the shade of Oxwich point in the background.

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Fractured Glass – Stars and Stripes

I guess, on this day you could call these photos stars and stripes (no offence intended) 😉

My recent walk around part of Swansea to look at some of the architecture and cranes revealed more patterns than those created by construction.

The details of this fractured glass, when seen close up, are fascinating. I was frustrated not to have taken a much closer macro shot when I looked at the images on my computer. The second image is a screen shot of the first image zoomed in to full size but is not one that would print well due to it being at screen resolution – click on that image to see it larger.

broken glass

broken glass detail

broken glass

Blind Textures – taking a closer look

This is like one of those “guess the object” games you used to see on TV where they would gradually zoom out from a close up shot of a familiar object.

Whilst the post title (and the previous post) is perhaps a give away, if you were looking at these shots out of context, they might have had you guessing. I deliberately left the section on the right of the first shot as a clear clue for anyone who thinks it is not immediately obvious what the the image shows.

The last shot is in a higher resolution so that you can get a good close look at the pattern of texture in the fabric. Click on the image to enlarge.

Blind stripes Blind stripe
Blind Texture