Dawn Walk

During the nice weather at the end of September I made a point of going for a morning walk slightly earlier than usual in order to catch the rising sun. The sky was just beginning to lighten when I arrived at my viewing point and the atmosphere with the clouds and mist  lying along the valley floor and amongst the trees was almost eerie.

Looking north up the river Loughor valley the distant Betws wind farm could be seen through a gap in the clouds while looking east across the valley the sun is clearly on its way as proven by the vapour trail glinting in the lightening sky.

You will also be able to see the second photo in monotone on Wednesday at Leanne Cole’s Photography blog post – Monochrome Madness 2-28

First Light

pre dawn light and fog

vapour trail

Trees and Valley

The trees are next to the old ruins and the mobile phone mast on Goppa Hill (see previous posts this week) and the valley is Cwm Dulais down which the river Dulais flows. The sun is high enough on this morning walk to leach the colour from the background landscape and create the beginnings of silhouettes in the foreground trees.

Considering what August was like here, it was good to get some better weather during September and even now in October.

trees and valley

trees and valley

Caption Required

What might these inquisitive alpacas be saying / thinking? Suggestions in the comments please or email me at ad@stillwalks.com



Welsh Valleys Alpaca Farm

At the End of the Walk

I often view this scene from the other side of the valley, on top of the hills. This view, on a sunny Autumn day, is from the end of my production walk through the woods I have featured in my posts throughout the past week.

The walk started soon after sunrise and this view was taken mid afternoon. I look forward to working on the post-production for the StillWalks video which will include some of the images I have posted .

South Wales LandscapeBelow are the other images posted earlier this week.