It was tempting to lie down in the neolithic chambered tomb at Cairnholy but it felt like it might be dishonouring the place somehow – I would also have had to have been quite short. My walk this week to visit both the tombs at Cairnholy was well worth it even though the weather was coming in around us by the time we were up there. It didn’t stop me trying a few different perspectives on the standing stones at the entrance to the tomb but raindrops on the lens did create a bit of a challenge.

Cairn holy chambered tomb
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Nice views of the stones and their details.
I always find it quite amazing that those tombs are still with us today and are spread so far apart in the continent. I saw some very similar monuments in Spain and Portugal.
Thanks. It’s amazing just how many Neolithic stone sites there are around Britain and Europe. Some are more significant than others of course but Cairnholy is a good one.