Windy Walk, Dorset

Not everybody likes the wind but I, personally, don’t have a problem with it – I even like it on occasion.

This StillWalk takes place on a very windy hillside in Dorset, S.W. England. There is not much more sound in it than the wind!

What am I saying, of course there is – my footsteps walking through grass or on a lane, opening and closing gates, climbing over stiles – and of course the wind sounds themselves change with its strength, the kind of trees around, my position in relation to it and the landscape.

Who likes the wind? Watch the video below and click on the photo to enlarge.

Dorset Trees

Galloway Sunset

A sunset is a sunset and yet they are all unique. Even in the same place, each night its is different and never fails to move me.

Two more from the StillWalk “Coastal Walk, Evening” which you can see on the  Spring Walks page.

The images are available to buy at PhotoShelter



Watching the Sun Set

Looking South might have been another title for this post. That is not necessarily the direction these sentinels are looking but they are in Scotland where we had hoped to be this last Easter.

These are two more from that StillWalk Coastal Walk, Evening which you can see on the  Spring Walks page.

The images are available to buy at PhotoShelter



Galloway Coast

Going North in Spring

This year we missed our usual trip north to Scotland and the other day I overheard the sound of Oystercatchers on one of my StillWalks videos playing in the background. It emphasised the loss of not getting to where they had been recorded.

At least I have the StillWalk to watch and listen to. Here are a couple of images from it. The video can be viewed on the Spring Walks page.

The images are available to buy at PhotoShelter



