Victoria Square, Leeds

My Walk this Week – Art and Design in Leeds

My walk this week in Leeds is my vehicle for showcasing my daughter’s work as a jewellery artist – Hannah Duncan Creations. I say “artist” because the work she designs is her means of expression, but she is a great craftsperson as well. The collection she delivered recently to the Craft Centre and Design Gallery includes work based on the rocky coastlines of Britain and in some pieces the very sand from the beaches forms a part of the work.

Leeds Art Gallery

The image below is an example of Hannah’s work and if you would like to see more please visit her website at Hannah Duncan Creations.

Hannah Duncan Creations

Hannah Duncan Creations

Our recent travels to York (see last weeks walk posts) allowed us to help Hannah out and visit Leeds on our way home.  The day was beautifully sunny and our walk to the City Art Gallery and the Design Centre below it was brightContinue reading

Kunsthuis Gallery and Garden – Reviewing the Walk

Looking back at my walk this week I thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Kunsthuis Gallery, it’s garden and cafe. We’ll be back again there in November as well to attend an exhibition opening in which Julie Brunskill has a collection of her ceramic work. The garden will look different by then as it will be late Autumn rather than late Summer. While our focus will be on the exhibition, I may try to get some more photos of the garden to compare to those below and if so, I will make a point of recording the sounds of the garden as well. Sorry there is no soundscape for this weeks walk.

Garden Path

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My Walk this Week – Kunsthuis

I have been off the grid, so to speak, for a couple of weeks while away on holiday in Scotland but our journey there took in a couple of other destinations in the North East of England. We delivered some of Julie’s work (Julie Brunskill – Ceramics) to the Kunsthuis Gallery in Crayke just north of York and discovered at the same time that Kunsthuis also has a nice cafe and gardens to explore. So my walk this week is a short tour around the place. I’m afraid there are no sound clips with this walk so you will have to imagine the north eastern English countryside sounds.

Follow my posts through the week to see some of the plants, structures and art work in the Kunsthuis Gallery Gardens.

Kunsthuis Gallery

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Hereford College of Art Degree Shows

Hereford College of Art’s degree show was another well worthwhile visit for us. Again, I was allowed to take photos and the images below show only a small part of a wide variety of work in ceramics, jewellery, metal work, textiles, fine art, illustration, graphic design . . .

I have included the artists’ names where I know them and you can click on the photos to go to their websites if they have one.

Hereford College of Art

Hereford Degree Show

L’Ellen Thorpe Jewellery

Hereford Degree Show

Henry Rhodes – Ceramic Artist

Hereford Degree Show

Laurence Brand

Hereford Degree Show

Laurence Brand

Hereford Degree Show

Sarah-Jane Phillips

Hereford Degree Show

Hereford Degree Show

Yemi Taiwo

Cardiff Met Degree Shows

I was allowed to take photos at the Cardiff Metropolitan’s School of Art Degree Show this year. The images below represent a small part of the Ceramics Show – click on the images to go to the artists’ websites.

The shows for other courses there were also excellent and we had a very good day out looking round the exhibitions at Howard Gardens and in the new building at Llandaff.

Cardiff Met Ceramics Degree

Theo Adamson Ceramics


Cardiff Met Ceramics Degree

James Hobbs – Ceramic Artist

Cardiff Met Ceramics Degree

Sophie Southgate

Cardiff Met Ceramics Degree

Sophie Southgate

Cardiff Met Ceramics Degree

Harriet McCormick

Exhibiting Light 3 – The Absorption of Black Holes

Light plays an important part in all art work and its display. Despite the display and this photograph revealing the shadows and surfaces of this piece of work by Duncan Ayscough, when seeing it last week at Craft in the Bay, Cardiff, it was difficult to describe just what the ceramic form was doing with the light in the gallery other than absorbing it – like a Black Hole.

The photo cannot do it justice – the matt black surface seemed to negate the existence of light and in other pieces (not those shown here), the form seemed to be a “normal” vessel but when taking a closer look, we realised that the black surface of the interior was deceiving us! If I had taken a closer look still, I fear I too would have been absorbed into that Black Hole.

Fascinating work and well worth a visit if you’re in the area – or even if you’re not! This work must be new as it does not appear on his website yet.

Duncan Ayscough

Duncan Ayscough

Duncan Ayscough

Duncan Ayscough