Lillies on the Pond

Moving further along on the Lakeside Walk at the National Botanic Garden of Wales.

This walk was a sunny one but we have been there in all weathers and enjoyed the gardens and the biggest single span glasshouse in the world.

It is very attractive to photographers, amateur and professional alike, and whilst there must have been thousands of photographs taken of the plants and other aspects of the gardens, when you take your own they are yours; and if you are anything like me, you will take photos of the same things again and again and never get tired of it 🙂

Click the images to enlarge. They are available for sale here Photo Sales.

Lillies Hostas Lillies

Lakeside Walk

Over the next week I am mostly going to be looking at the National Botanic Garden of Wales or to be more precise, the StillWalks I have produced there.

This is the first of a selection of nine images from the Lakeside Walk and is available through Photo Sales.

If you are not living in Wales, then this would be one amongst many reasons to visit. If you do live in Wales and have not yet visited the gardens, then it’s about time you did 😉

Lakeside Walk

After the Tide

We have had a months rain in the last 24 hours and that can sometimes cause problems. The marshes near us are tidal and when the tide is high and there has been a lot of rain, that is when the trouble starts.

This StillWalk video shows the marshes after a spring tide. You can’t avoid the traffic on this walk but it doesn’t stop the birds calling and has never spoilt my enjoyment of the walk.

spring tide

Netting Patterns – Extras from the Riding Shows

Whenever I am doing equestrian photography I like to try and find a little time to take some extra shots of the things around the show field.

Last weekend I was there in time to take a short walk around the adjacent woods and the first thing I came across was this netting caught in some branches – it had been a windy week!  The pattern of the netting seemed to echo the patterns in the trees and, perhaps because I am a tapestry weaver, I was intrigued by the effect it had blowing in the wind – quite ethereal really.

The Bluebells I found further along the path were more traditionally attractive 🙂

Netting Patterns Netting Patterns Netting Patterns Netting Patterns

