When it’s a DVD! It seems some people have been confused as to what they will get if they click the buy now button to get a StillWalks video. The lesson to me – never make assumptions!
If you buy a video or videos on StillWalks, you will be sent a link to allow you to download and play those videos on your computer or mobile device.
You will only receive a DVD (containing eight StillWalk videos) if you click to buy one of the DVD collections.
The sample video below is “City Walk” and takes place on Boxing Day in Belfast in Northern Ireland. Click the Buy Now button to go direct to the list of StillWalks in Winter and select it and/or any others you would like. Don’t forget to also select the size you would like for each StillWalks video.
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A frosty walk through Belfast, Northern Ireland on Boxing Day. This is a low resolution 2:30 minute sample of this StillWalks video. The full video is 5:38 minutes and is best viewed in high definition (HD).
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Buy now to download and enjoy full length and high quality. Please complete the form on the Buy Now page to buy this video and other Winter StillWalks. Please also read the Purchases notice below the form.