Looking east

My Walk this Week 200 – Overlooking the Landscape from Paxton’s Tower

My walk this week was in a location carefully selected to not have many other people around – Paxton’s Tower in Carmarthenshire, Wales. Please remember that these blog posts are not intended to prompt you to go out during this difficult time with the Coronavirus, but rather to bring the outside in and hopefully help with some of the difficulties of confinement. For more free StillWalks® resources visit my previous post.

Looking north west

It was a beautiful day and the views from the hill on top of which Paxton’s Tower sits were also beautiful. The photos below look in all geographical directions as well as up at and up in the tower. There are some details too – signs of Spring and the patterns and textures of the full cycle of life.

Can you see the horned creature leaping out of the dead tree? Continue reading

Willow Wall

Returning from the wildflower garden to the children garden on my walk this week at Kunsthuis Gallery I explored one of its features. The willow tunnel entrance to this natural / man-made “dwelling” was too enticing not to do so. Bending down to child height I entered the dome shaped structure and enjoyed the changed and semi-secretive space with its growing willow walls and willow roof creating patterns and textures as it changed the sunlight from above.

willow wall

If viewing this in an email, please click the post title to see other photos in this post, thank you.

Kirkandrews Kirk

Kirkandrews is a tiny wee place but worth a visit if you are ever in the Galloway area of SW Scotland.

We first visited this place with the kids about 10 or 15 years ago. I am still impressed with my girls’ stamina and enjoyment of what was a fair length of walk for young children. We had an unexpected surprise in the graveyard a few yards down the road from the kirk but you will have to wait until tomorrow for that.

Kirkandrews Kirk

Kirkandrews Kirk

Start of the Tour – Cathays Cemetery

The prompt to this weeks blog posts were the Angels in yesterdays post.

So, going back to the beginning, todays images are of the entrance to the cemetery which, although in need of some maintenance, is still an impressive structure and suggests, even before you enter, the size and importance of the cemetery.

All photos taken on my iPhone.

Cathays Cemetery

Cathays Cemetery Entrance

Cathays Cemetery, Cardiff

Inside the secondary entrance to the cemetery

Entrance detail

Entrance detail

Cathays Cemetery

Strange place for a tree!