Recently I have had one or two nice things said about this blog which I very much appreciate.
The first was the presentation of three awards by blogger nightmare logic who said they just wanted to show their appreciation of the StillWalks blog and others. Whilst appreciative of blog awards, I have to admit to not being very good at following through with them. Sometimes I feel bad about this but I don’t feel bad about not reading other people’s blogs because I do read and enjoy them and try not to make my “Likes” automatic.
Another comment was made offline from a friend and colleague who said she liked knowing that when she opened her email each day, she would always find an enjoyable post and images from StillWalks.
Many other people have given very positive comments about StillWalks and the blog, as well as my posts on other social media, and they are all greatly valued, so thanks to everyone who has looked and enjoyed both the StillWalks blog and or the website, videos, sounds and photography.
Visit the StillWalks website for videos and more
Images available for sale on the StillWalks Photography website.