Watching the Waves and Reviewing the Walk

Pagham Beach

I had expected this to the starting point of my walk this week – watching the waves on Pagham Beach on the south coast of England. However, by the time I was ready to set off I realised that I would be walking into the sun and that it might be helpful to walk the intended route in the other direction.Continue reading

Pagham Boardwalk – Setting (Cropping) the Scene

Pagham Boardwalk

It’s the combination of lines and textures I like about my choice of image at the head of today’s post about my walk at Pagham on the south coast of England. The photo has been cropped a bit to help provide a better sense of the scene and it is the undulations of the boardwalk as it spans the shingle of the foreshore that initially attracted my eye. Continue reading

My Walk this Week – Botanic Colour

Red tulips at Swansea Botanic Garden

My walk this week is perhaps less of a walk and more of a showcase. We had a slow amble round Swansea’s botanic gardens in Singleton Park on a day that was dry but could have been brighter. Well, I say brighter but I mean sunnier as there was plenty of brightness Continue reading