No Fishing

This sign and its distorted reflection may say “No Fishing”, but the next photo below shows that there are fishing boats just round the corner from this entry point to the inner marina at Swansea.

no fishing

The other vessels in Swansea’s Maritime Quarter range from small to large sailing and motor boats of all types. The modern catamaran and the older style of sailing vessel below suggest something of this range – and all of the owners rely on the security the marina offers to keep them safe. However, I was a little taken aback when I saw the razor wire!

Lapping Water

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Posted in Field Recording, Photography, Travel, Urban, Walks and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , .


  1. My son used to live in Adventurers Quay for a short while, where I recall a few visits through the big security gates. There’s a Geocache nearby.

    • I was confused at first re the security gates but then discovered that Adventurers Quay is in Cardiff Bay, not Swansea. Like I said, there are now marina developments and housing in so many old dock areas.

  2. I was half awake when I saw the images and indeed thought the No Fishing sign was in the old *dock {{{giggle}}} area of Cardiff.
    *You might like to re~read your last comment and {{{giggle}}} too

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