The Morlais River flows through Troserch Woods in Carmarthenshire and out into more open farm land towards Llangennech and the Loughor Estuary. These photos from my StillWalks production walk in the Summer may well be used in the finished video.
River and Bank
Posted in Nature, Photography, relaxation, Travel, Walks and tagged Carmarthenshire, colour, Llangennech, Morlais River, photography, riverbank, stillwalks, Summer, tree, Troserch Woodland, wales, walking, walks, water.
The second one looks as if a snake was going up the tree, but got tired and took such a long nap, he became part of the tree. lol Sorry, my mind makes up stories with all the pictures I see. I love hearing all the names of the places….Well done, Alastair!!
Thanks. I agree, that shot is ripe for story telling and of course it is often said that a good photo should tell a story itself – you just have to find it 😉
Oh! And I did!! lol Great work as always! Have a great day!
You too. It’s lovely and sunny here and I’m off to learn about identifying mushrooms and toadstools 🙂
you are such a fun guy taking time to learn about fungi.
(ok, ok…it’s early here—give me some credit) Have fun!!
Well, it seems this fun guy might have got the wrong weekend! I never found the group that were supposed to be leading the fungi walk – so I got photos of fences instead. Summer seems to have returned here, at least for today – very nice 🙂
Oh! I cannot wait to see those. I love photographing fences. In fact, I was out doing that yesterday here. We definitely have some great ones in the country! 🙂
And I look forward to seeing them too 🙂
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