Slow Shutter Effects – iPhonography

My day to day photography is often done using my iPhone and lately I have been experimenting with one or two different camera apps. The set of images below were taken using Slow Shutter Cam which, if you can be sure to keep the phone steady is nifty little app.


The problem with long exposures being used to achieve that misty / ghostly effect or smoothness in flowing water, is that everything else gets the same length of exposure. There are various ways of dealing with this but the Slow Shutter app simply uses thevideo setting on the phone camera rather than the stills setting. It is, however, a still image that is saved.

It is a clever answer to the exposure issue and there are options to take images up to the full resolution of the camera (8 megapixels). I have had a few issues with the handling of colour which can be seen above but I suspect this is something that I will be able to manage better with time and practice. These images have had some post production adjustments applied but the main issue in taking them was that I did not have a tripod with me and had to rely on keeping the camera steady with the aid of the railings round the fountains.

The fountains are in the centre of Middlesbrough in the NE of England which is, according to some, one of the ugliest towns in Britain – I disagree and suggest they take another look, this time with their eyes open and no prejudicial blinkers!


Posted in iPhonography, Photography, Urban and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .


  1. I have been infatuated with waterfalls lately and have been taking some incredible photography using slow shutter speeds. I am still learning. I have promised the last installment of my Glen Falls series this week, and here it is Weds. and I still don’t have it finished. Great post!!! Thank you. xx Amy

    • Thanks Amy 🙂 I am not always a fan of the slow shutter effect on water because it can be easily overdone. However, you have got it just right in your fantastic photos of Glen Falls and I look forward to seeing your next set. Time does fly past as fast as the water itself and sometimes seems to pass in the same blur as the slow shutter creates lol.

      • Wow. Thank YOU for the compliment. I really try to let the waters direct me on how best to shoot, and I have learned to take my light reading from off the foliage. Granted this too, is tricky and doesn’t always work. What works I listen to my instincts, and experiement with settings. Hopefully IF life cooperates I should have the last installment up on Friday. I also went back a second time to these same falls when they were bursting from a lot of rain. A whole different personality! 🙂 Overall, I would say I have a good 5 posts maybe of those. I am really thrilled by your comment. I have taught myself how to shoot waterfalls. Thank you again SO much! (((HUGS))) Amy

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