Seeds in the Breeze

Still with the Thistles – the closer you look, the more detail you see. These Thistle seeds on a cobweb stayed just steady enough in a lull in the breeze to allow me to capture their minute tendrils.

Thistle seeds

thistle seeds

Going to Seed

Thistles – another irresistible subject for photography!

These photos were taken on my Canon 550D with a Canon 70-300mm IS USM lens. However, it is also important for me to keep developing my skills with iPhone photography or iPhonography as it is often my phone camera that I have with me when out walking.

With so much to see, I wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity, yet at the same time, it is not practical to always have heavy camera slung over your shoulder.



Woolly Fences

This is not the first photograph I have posted of sheep wool caught on a fence but I find it strangely attractive, at least in the sense that whenever I see it, I have the urge to take a photograph. I suspect the slimy green drapery is the result of the stream in the woods behind the fence being in spate at another time of year, or perhaps it, too, came off the sheep’s back.

Woolly Fence

Pattern in Wood

The fascinating patterns in the wood of this tree stump are, I am sure, partly the result of it spending some significant time in the sea. It would be easy to mistake them for some kind of animal markings or camouflage and claw marks!

patterns in wood

patterns in wood