Footsteps in the Sand

Rhosilli Bay, at the end of the Gower Peninsula, is a great place to walk. The cliffs above the bay extend out to the Worm’s Head and can get busy on a weekend if the weather is good. The bay, however, like many of the large beaches on the South Wales coast, has the space to cope with a good number of visitors and not feel in the least crowded.

As with any beach, the patterns and textures in the sand change with different conditions and the shells, stones and rivulets underfoot create a range of sounds that all have the aural backdrop of the waves and the wind. The colourful rock of the cliffs (see yesterday’s post) reflect and amplify the sound of the sea but walking away from them allows the nuances of the crunch of tiny shells or the squish of soft wet sand to come through.

And above all that, the birds. Walking back up the cliff, even the smallest of birds can make themselves heard against the sound of the bay. You will need to watch the video at the end of this post to hear and see it all.

Coastal Walk Rhosilli-6

Coastal Walk Rhosilli-5

Rhosilli Rivulets

You can use the new Donate button below to help StillWalks. Pay how much you want and receive a high quality download of this week’s featured StillWalks video. Click the image below to watch the video.

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Patterns in Rock

Having included this week’s featured video on yesterday’s post, I thought I would post some of the images from it.

The full video can be seen on this post if anyone cares to look – it’s one for the Autumn.

Coastal Walk Rhosilli-1 Coastal Walk Rhosilli-2 Coastal Walk Rhosilli-3

You can use the new Donate button below to help StillWalks, pay what you want and receive a download of this week’s featured StillWalks video. Sticking with the Gower, this weeks featured video is from Rhosilli by the Worm’s Head right at the end of the Gower Peninsula. Click the image below to watch the sample.

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Poppies Are Prettier

I took these photographs of flowers on the same day I took those shots of fences and sheep. Whatever way you look at it, Poppies are prettier than sheep!

The Welsh Poppy is one of my favourite flowers and is beautiful at every stage. Here the flower’s petals had just dropped. It must be one of the last for this year and the petals fell as I was setting up for the shot.

Welsh Poppy

Welsh Poppy

Hemp Agrimony

Hemp Agrimony

You can use the new Donate button below to help StillWalks, pay what you want and receive a download of this week’s featured StillWalks video “Troserch Woodland Walk“, click the image below to watch the sample.

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Light and Shade – Morlais Patterns

On a sunny day the patterns are easy to find, particularly around mid morning when the sun is at its most creative angle in this respect.

I was taking photos of fences last Sunday morning . . . not these ones though. These are from the end of my walk along the River Morlais. I had been thinking ahead and wondering how I was going to get good photos to finish with, knowing that the short section of footpath that returns to the road is not the most attractive feature in the area.

However, the sun was shining, it was mid morning in July (I started at 5.00 AM), and the patterns created left me in no doubt as to how the video for this walk would end!

Morlais Patterns

Morlais PatternsYou can use the new Donate button below to help StillWalks, pay what you want and receive a download of the completed StillWalks video from this area – “Troserch Woodland Walk“, this week’s featured walk.

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River and Bank

The Morlais River flows through Troserch Woods in Carmarthenshire and out into more open farm land towards Llangennech and the Loughor Estuary. These photos from my StillWalks production walk in the Summer may well be used in the finished video.

Morlais River

Morlais Riverbank

Further Fences

OK, a fence and a gate 🙂 both from that second part of the Troserch Woodland Walk which follows the Morlais River out of the woods. I don’t think I’ll be using the fence shot in the StillWalks video but gates are useful in so far as they provide a key sound within the audio track that acts like a way marker and helps to provide progression in describing the walk.

Troserch Fence

Troserch Gate

Fencing the Footpath

Following the woodland walk I have been posting about recently, these photos are from the second part of that production day walk.

Troserch Fence

Troserch Fence Post

Troserch Woodland Walk (Part 1)

At last, here is the StillWalks video I have been working on – a little reminder of the recent Summer.  Sometimes I find that a walk can be split into two separate videos and that is the case on this occasion. This first part goes through the woods as the title suggests. The second one will have a different title and will be alongside the Morlais river which flows from the woodland down towards Llangennech and the Loughor Estuary.

Click the image to play the video.

Update – this video is now sample size and length only. Please see the post about the Donate button for further information.

Selected still photos from this video are now available on the StillWalks Photography website.