The Route to Come

These three photos were taken at the end of my recce walk in the Lledr Valley in Snowdonia, North Wales. They were all taken on my iPhone but I can’t remember why! I processed the second shot in monochrome because it seemed to better represent the wildness of the place as I perceived it in the worsening weather.

Lledr Valley, Snowdonia

The weather was worsening and that was my reason for turning round at this point and returning to the car thoroughly soaked.

The view of the footpath going off into the landscape shows the continuation of the route for a full production walk. Currently that is planned for next week but when I looked at the weather forecast for the area, it showed snow. I will go properly prepared though, so hopefully I shouldn’t have any problems. However, it could also mean another postponement.

Lledr Valley - Monochrome

Lledr Valley Footpath

Posted in iPhonography, Landscape, Photography, Walks and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , .


  1. All three shots are great, the first with its overhanging branches leading the eye up the stream, and the third with a hint of mystery about the road ahead. My favourite though is the second, the monochrome capturing the dramatic, almost primeval, feel of the scene.

    • Thanks very much. Interestingly the first shot is looking downhill rather than up! I took a shot from below as well and it too could have been seen as either looking up or down. Even when there is an horizon line, it can be difficult to tell in a photo which is which. I’m pleased you like the black and white pic – the apparent drama was the reason for the conversion to monochrome but I have to admit to heightening the contrast a bit as well.

      • Monochrome can be very effective in giving a period feel or even suggesting a sense of antiquity but, yes, a bit of contrast doesn’t go amiss! I see what you mean about the upriver really being downriver. 🙂

  2. I love all 3 shots too – the third is great – but I agree that the second in b&w is better than the first color-photo..

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