Walking and a True Sense of Scale

Having completed the circular walk from Rhosilli with Swansea Walking Forum and enjoyed the food at the Bay Bistro courtesy of the Gower Landscapes Partnership “Tastes of Gower “project, I walked down the steep footpath to Rhosilli beach. On the way down I could see in the distance a couple walking out along the beach. By the time I was down on the beach and had taken some sandy photos (to be posted on Saturday), they were heading back towards me.

There is nothing like people in a scene like this to give a true sense of scale!

Rhosilli Bay footpath

Rhosilli Bay

Rhosilli beach


Rhosilli cliffs

Posted in Landscape, Photography, Seascape, Travel, Walks and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .


  1. This truly is gigantic beach 🙂
    My favourite photo on this post though is not of the sandy beach but the first one. I love how the railing shadow is stretching out.

    • Thanks Allysse. Its quite a climb down to the beach – I much prefer ascending to descending but that’s just cos my knees complain when going down. Coming back up from the beach is only a pain because it means leaving all that lovely space behind.

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