Did you notice that? The title for my first post this week is plural – and the walks are all local to me, well known and well loved. And the photos I shot were all taken on my iPhone again!
The four walks from which I have images are not described in detail but are a small selection of shots I couldn’t resist taking. This first walk takes me from my house to a local woodland and every time I do it, which is quite frequent, I stop at the same three points along the way and take a photo in the same direction. The view from first two stopping points are shown below in the first and third images. To be honest, I have to stop at the first point on that suburban footpath because the hill is very steep as it climbs up from close to sea level, and I need a short rest to catch my breath. The more often I do it, of course, the less I need the rest but the habit is formed now and I cannot imagine not stopping to take the photo just for the record.