Working Patterns

Pattern is all around us but sometimes it is more noticeable than others. Earlier on my walk this week I focused on the textures around me. However, it was the patterns that were in my sights for these shots.

You may think that I have an unnatural interest in barbed wire – and you may be right! If you would like to see where this interest comes from, please visit the fibre page on my other website – (There is something weird going on with the home page menu on this site which I will sort out asap).

More images from this walk can be seen on Instagram and/or the StillWalks Facebook page and Twitter.

Swansea Canal-30

Posted in Architecture, art, Photography, Walks and tagged , , , , , , , , , .


    • Thanks. It goes back to my time growing up in Belfast during the troubles in Northern Ireland. However, many people don’t identify it with conflict but instead think of a rural environment and farming.

      • I see, must have been a very difficult time growing up in Belfast at the time!
        Could it be because of your love of the outdoors that people think of a link with a rural environment?

        • It surprised me at first that people were so accepting of the barbed wire but if they have no experience of it in a conflict situation, why would they think of it in that way? It didn’t go down very well when exhibited (once) in N. Ireland and some pieces have not been exhibited at all because gallery staff wouldn’t take it on health and safety grounds. Pathetic eh!

    • Having looked at your work again, I love it and your website. I must point my daughter to it – she is almost finished her degree in applied art and jewellery.

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