If you have already seen this image on Instagram or Facebook of a sudden and unexpected sunset at the end of my Aberystwyth amble, then you can enjoy it again here. I was sitting in my car eating sandwiches before my two hour drive home and when I turned my head to look out to sea, this is what I saw. I immediately jumped out of the car and grabbed my camera from the boot – a good job I was quick too as a minute later the sun had disappeared again.
So above is the “before” and below is the “after” – along with a selection of images and the soundscape from this short but fairly dramatic walk along Aberystwyth foreshore.
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I really like the shapes and patterns of the rocks and waves. And the sounds of the pebbles 🙂 This is one of my favourite sound on a British beach.
Thanks Allysse. Do French or Portuguese beaches not have pebbles?
Not to the same extent. I’ve never been to a French or Portuguese beach made of pebbles. Usually it’s sand with confined area for pebbles. In the beaches of my childhood, pebbles were enormous and used to delineate the sand beach from the road.
It’s brilliant isn’t it – every beach is different