equine evaluation

Agricultural Show 3 – Equine Evaluation

My last post from our local agricultural show is about the equine presentation and evaluation, an event always to be enjoyed. Unfortunately there was no show jumping this year and as a result the crowds were thinner than I have known in the past.

horse head

I enjoy watching the horses and miss the events I used to regularly photograph. As with the other animals in the show, the ponies and horses are all immaculately turned out and the riders are doing their very best to gain that red first rosette.

Posted in Equestrian, Events, Photography and tagged , , , , , , , .


  1. The facial expressions of the horses in close-up show that they are suffering discomfort if not pain 🙁

    • Thanks for your concern – I think you may be right in one, maybe two shots and I would not be happy if that were the case. However, I know how much the riders love their horses and that this is usually reciprocated. It is difficult to be sure what the horse or pony is feeling and the photo only captures a split second. They will not be the only ones feeling nervous or stressed – their riders will also be at an event like this and of course that will be conveyed to the horse. So I sympathise with your thoughts but I don’t think there is any degree of cruelty going on.

  2. Thanks for taking us to this equestrian world, Alastair. The camaraderie and skill that occurs between horse and rider is impressive, and oh, what beautiful animals.

    • Thank you Jet, I agree and I hope I went some way to mollify the feelings of the previous commenter regarding the facial expressions of the horses. I decided not to include one or two shots that showed the facial expressions of the riders which were quite funny in their concentration in managing that symbiosis they have with the horse. I didn’t want to embarrass them but they made me laugh

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