Architecture and Art in Cardiff City – Reviewing the Walk

Looking through the entrance archway of Cardiff City Hall towards the end of my walk this week and the National Museum of Wales, I have completed my circuit of the rectangle of classical, brutalist and functional architecture that makes up this cultural and educational sector at the approach to the city centre.

Completing the walk in the museum itself and the Artes Mundi exhibition (already visited three times), I can only recommend a visit to the show before it ends on 26th February.

The last image in the sequence below shows a work by Lamia Joreige (another work of hers is at the Chapter Arts Centre) and the end of the soundscape for this week’s walk includes part of the sound element of Bedwyr Williams impressive installation overlaid by the squeaky doors at the entrance to the exhibition and visitors talking. If I can find the time, I will enjoy a fourth visit before it ends if only for the works by John Akomfrah (winner) and Bedwyr Williams.

This is an urban soundscape recorded in the heart of a city but I have to say, as much as I enjoy the natural sounds of a woodland landscape, I also thoroughly enjoy the sounds of Cardiff City.

Posted in Architecture, art, Photography, Reviewing the Walk, Soundscape, Walks and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .


  1. I’d assumed you were having a break from blogging, but I see that WP has apparently unfollowed you on my behalf, don’t know how, don’t know why, but I shall remedy that now!

    • WP does some weird things from time to time. Most recently it decided that my sound files are “a threat to security” so I now deliver the soundscapes via SoundCloud, which I used to do anyway. It would be a bit unnerving if technology worked perfectly all the time.

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