Bouncing Balls and Babies – Sounds of the Park

If you were only to look at the images below, the scene in Brynmill Park, Swansea might appear quite tranquil, but the park is full of all sorts of sounds let alone the background ambience of the city. Bouncing balls and babies are just a couple of the elements to the park’s soundscape but I will be posting a more comprehensive edited recording of the sound landscape at the end of the week.

Brynmill Park, Swansea

Bouncing Balls and Babies

Unlike yesterday’s post, I can name at least a couple of the flowers in the photos below.

If viewing this in an email, please click the post title to see other photos in this post, thank you.

Posted in Field Recording, Flowers, Photography, Urban, Walks and tagged , , , , , , , , , .


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