A Little Splash of Pink

It may be a common wild flower, but that doesn’t make it any less pretty – another photo from the Pembrey Country park “Floral Walk” in Carmarthenshire, Wales.

Pembrey Wild Flowers

Pembrey Wild Flowers

Rolling Out

Rolling out, unfurling, opening up – call it what you will. At the end of May these plants in Pembrey Country Park were getting ready for Summer.

Pembrey Unfurling

Pembrey Unfurling

Pembrey Floral Walk

In May 2013 I did a StillWalks production walk at Pembrey Country Park in Carmarthenshire, Wales. The production followed what Pembrey calls its Floral Walk.

The photos I am posting this week are from this StillWalks production which, as yet, has not been post-produced or published. I won’t bother going into the reasons for this but hope that you enjoy a Welsh woodland floral week on the blog.

Pembrey Catkins

Pembrey Catkins

Pembrey Catkins

The Confusing Colour of Seasons

Some of the colour I found my walk along Swansea Bay’s cycle/foot path recently was a little confusing. Autumn colours in  Summer? I discovered this young oak sapling on my walk through a wooded section of the path and although the year is passing quickly, I am pretty sure we are not in Autumn yet.

I guess it is just the colour that this particular variety of oak tree shows at this stage of its life/year. However, not long ago (in Spring) we found our amelanchier putting out a number of red autumn coloured leaves and wondered if the plant life of the planet is as confused as we are by the changing climate.

I don’t know what the red plant is in the second photo but its colour sure stood out against the green background!

Swansea Bay Plants

Swansea Bay Plants

Swansea Bay Plants

Weasel on the Run

How do you tell the difference between a weasel and a stoat?

A weasel is weasily wecognised but a stoat is stotally different!

Thanks to my brother for that one 😉

This little fellow was a regular visitor during our stay on the Galloway coast in Scotland. He was fast but as he could be relied on to take two or three turns across the grass, I was ready and waiting with the camera – the sports pulse mode was useful.

Running Weasel

Mossy Monster

Alien monsters seem to be a feature of forests where old fallen trees grow a thick covering of moss over their ever shortening broken branches. This is certainly not the first time I have found a many tentacled creature like this in the woods.

mossy woodland monster