My Walk this Week 23 – Hill Walk

When I started out on my walk this week I though it promised to be a bright and sunny walk. The mist was already lifting from the valley and my expectations felt fairly well founded. This will be shown at one point to have been optimistic – keep watching through this week.

My photos start about half way up one of our local hills, Graig Fawr, but my full walk rises from a few metres above sea level to 276 metres (905 ft) at the trig point at the highest point.

The photo below, of the view over the Loughor estuary towards the Gower Peninsula, was taken from where the trees are in the first shot and includes the 11 arched railway bridge but not the intrusive red logo of Tesco which I had great pleasure in cropping out, though annoyance at having to do so.

Graig Fawr Walk

The birds sounded as though they shared my optimism at the stage of my walk – listen below.

Graig Fawr Birds

If viewing this in an email, to see the sound player you will need to visit the blog – please click the post title to view the full post.

Posted in Field Recording, Landscape, My Walk this Week, Photography, Walks and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .


  1. LOL. actually it was good. was v grey saturday but by the time i got to lillington castle was brightening. decided to stay overnight and went on to avebury following morning.

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