Tree panorama

My Walk this Week 257 – Looking Through the Trees

My walk this week takes me from valley floor to forest interior and looking through the trees. The forest is a lot smaller now than it used to be, but it is still a place I love and no matter how often I visit, I always find something new about.

On this occasion I ventured into the interior and realised that others had been before me when I discovered a narrow warn path through the trees as a parallel alternative to negotiating the muddy, flooded track that until now had been my usual route.

Check out the image sequence as well as my view through the trees in the video below.

Forest Soundscape
Posted in My Walk this Week, Nature, Photography, Walks and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .


  1. I might be navigating a bit of mud next week when I drive back to Illinois and then walk in the park where I used to walk regularly as the forecast shows the possibility of rain. Rain and mud seem so foreign now that we live in the desert so I’m looking forward to the chance of some. 🙂


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