Reflecting on my walk this week on the landscape of my local salt marsh I am happy that I took the walk when I did as I suspect this open landscape would have been even more cold in our recent weather than the walk I took at the tail end of Storm Emma (that will be next weeks posts).
My focus on this walk has been more about the details than the open space and those details have mainly been the marsh grass and one or two of the features within it, such as the fences. I love some of the individual “marks” in this landscape – the spiky reflection of marsh grass in the river, the spiky barbs of a sinking fence, the spiky flicks of individual grass blades amongst the busy textures their stems, the crusty lichen covered surface of thin branches and the twirly wiggle of an old bit of rosebay willow herb from last year.
The audio element was there as well of course and there are plenty of birds enjoying the quiet tranquility of the place as much as I did and the soundscape below reflects this.
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That was wonderful. I liked the gate and the mud and the bird song was so uplifting.
There’s nothing like sound
A peaceful walk through the salt marsh today, and much appreciated, Alastair. Your photos were wonderful for sharing the colors and sights and shapes. And the audio clip was a joy. Whenever I listen to your audio clips, I shut my eyes and walk along with you, and it is so meditative. The squishing in the mud, the sweetness of the birdsong was especially fun today. And always I so enjoy the opening and closing of the gate. Thank you for this delightful adventure.
Perfect Thank you Jet. You have expressed exactly what I am aiming for and it is so good to know that it is working in this way. I enjoy my walks and simply want to share that enjoyment. Thanks again.