When I crossed the Millennium Footbridge in York at the start of my walk this week I was interested in the arrangement of the half submerged objects in the flooded River Ouse. In post production I also saw the potential for the use of monochrome in many of the photographs I shot with the result that this week I have been posting parallel image galleries in colour and black and white (and one or two in sepia).
There were some images which would have been pointless in monochrome, such as the one above or those below of the primroses. But there are others where the colour was almost pointless such as those of the bridge itself and its wet railing. And then there is the sound . . .
The soundscape for this walk starts with the beautiful Spring sounds of Rowntree Park, recorded while outside the cafe overlooking flooded ponds and watching fighting Canada Geese fighting. It is wonderful to think that this urban space is so close to the city centre yet most of what can be heard is birds. The second part presents some of the sounds from the route I took across the Millennium Footbridge where you can hear the tell tale signs of the city in the background such as an emergency vehicle siren – but there is also people walking and cycling, children playing and the tap tap of a blind man’s walking stick.
Park and River Soundscape
Click the first image in each gallery below to view the images in sequence.
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