But it was a dreich day when I came down the garden to my studio this morning. So, to stay in keeping with the brightening day, I have decided to put up a few more of those colourful metallic “canvases” I have snapped recently.
Today I will work some more with the sounds I have been recording from this material but here, in the meantime, is a snippet. What does it sound like to you?
There has been a fair bit of ‘rusty iron’ work going on at my place in recent times, so I’m in tune with these shots.
You’ll have to take some shots of it!
Amazingly I didn’t! I find it very difficult when there are ‘strangers’ in and around my house. I know, that sounds a bit strange but it is true and when the anxiety levels go up the creative juices dry up. Not to worry, we have a new roof on our very old house and a new roof on the garage and carport and a huge hole in our bank account.
There is still a fair bit of debris from all the work so maybe there will be some interesting images there. Thank you for the inspiration.
This is why I think abstract art these days actually is often from super realism, if you get my drift! NIce stuff by the way! I’d be interested in showing a couple of pieces on http://eosthecreativecontext.com if you send me the jpg. Will be doing a new issue very soon if all goes well.
That’s great, thanks. Any particular image you would like?