Coastal Walk

Click the first image or play button to play the video and enjoy part of the Galloway, Scotland coastline.

Click the second image to enlarge.

Coastal Walk Spring

Posted in birdsong, Field Recording, Nature, Photography, Travel, Video, Walks and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .


  1. That was extremely cool, you can do that again any time you like!
    It freaked my dogs out, and my wife, but I loved it.
    It’s a very cold night here and I’m watching it sitting in front of an open fire.
    My wife is playing games on her phone and the dogs are snoozing.

    • Thanks very much Terry – I’m very pleased you enjoyed it. My cat gets very confused and excited whenever she hears the bird recordings in the living room.

  2. I’m sure there are many people working in offices who love these posts because it gives them a chance to mentally leave their cubicles for a few minutes.

    • Thank you very much Traci. I am currently exploring possible entry points to this market. Theoretically, it should be an international one as there is no language used and taste in music is not relevant either. Help me spread the word 😉

      • Come to think of it, you should take advantage of the videos while you can because I will soon be replacing them with the same but smaller and just sample length 2 – 3 mins each. I can’t sell them and give them away at the same time I’m afraid.

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