My walk this week is a long awaited bright one, albeit misty at the start. It was cold and bit frosty but the sun was rising and as my elevation increased with a climb up a local hill, I was able to look down on the fog laying the valley below.
It was a beautiful morning only marred by the level of fly tipping on the slopes beside the Dulais River 😡 What is wrong with the people that do this? Apart from the damage it does to the environment, wildlife and oceans, are they also blind? Nobody could argue they are unaware of the environmental issues we face these days, so I can only think that this is wilful ignorance and a deliberate defiance of social etiquette.
So, having had my rant, I moved on up the hollow way footpath to get the hoped for views of the mist lying thickly along the valley floor – and they didn’t disappoint! More of those views in my next post.
Shocking dumping, I want to go and pick it all up!
But it’s the corporate vandalism making such toxic products in the first place that really riles me.
Beautiful Mists to calm me down.
We have done litter picks in this area in the past. Clearly it needs doing again. Glad the mist did it’s bit for you
I wasn’t familiar with the term “fly tripping” and so had to look it up. Then I saw your documentary photo # 2, a much better definition!
Not good is it. I didn’t want to put that image up as the featured one for obvious reasons. “Fly tripping” sounds like much more fun
That’s a shame. Always breaks my heart a bit. But the mists did do a fair bit of mending for me as well.
I know you have done your share of litter picking Wade so “good on you” as I would say. It’s something that always seems to be needed in so many places. Thanks for the visit