Over the next six weeks “My Walk this Week” will be describing selected walks I have taken in the past. For this week I am looking back at a walk I called Ditch Hikers Walk and produced as a StillWalks video. The walk is located at Skanda Vale in Carmarthenshire and does not feature an elephant, only a signpost for the one kept by the Skanda Vale community.
The images I post describing the walk are not necessarily those that are in the StillWalks video and the soundscape too, will be different, though all material is taken from that captured on the day of the production walk in May 2013. The name “Ditch Hikers Walk” comes from the local walking group who named this as one of three ditch hikes that follow, at least part of the way, an old Roman road and the third shot below describes the Roman section of this walk fairly clearly.
The old microwave cooker, metal mesh and abandoned bike were all found amongst other detritus in a dilapidated old shed at the side of the path.