on the top of rocks

Floral Findings 3 – Growing on the Edge

I’m not sure that I can truthfully say that this clump of thrift, on the edge of rocks looking out over the sea, is actually growing. The year has been so dry and they are clearly past their colourful flowering stage . . . but still I find them very attractive!

on the edge

The shoreline has as much to enjoy by way of plants as the coast has just a few yards inland. The fact that they all have a slightly different annual cycle to their growth patterns makes them that much more interesting.

But this year has been particularly dry and that is evident in so much of the landscape. Even though we are now getting a little rain, it’s not enough and nobody is making the usual complaints when it does.

I shot the video below because I was amazed at the colour of the grass – where it would normally be green, it was yellow.

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Posted in Landscape, Nature, Photography, Travel, Video and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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