Ouse Walk gate

Millennium Footpath

It turned out that my walk this week was along the Millennium Footpath – another one! If “millennium” means one thousand (as in years), then I think there must be a millennium of “Millennium Footpaths” in Britain and probably many more around the world. This one is alongside the River Ouse as it flows out of York in the North East England.

River Ouse footpath

I suspect that this footpath was already here and frequently used before the turn of the century. That is not to say that there is anything wrong with giving that or any other name to a walking route, as anything that encourages people to walk and enjoy their surroundings is good in my book.Continue reading

River ouse

My Walk this Week – Out Along the Ouse

My walk this week is another one along the River Ouse – not into York this time, but out, in the opposite direction. It’s a short circular walk that took me about 90 minutes from door to door with not more than half of that being by the river.

Heading for the Ouse

There are a number of inhabitants along this stretch of the river – some use house boats, others old trailers and even tents (they may have been wild campers). Continue reading


River Ouse York – Reviewing the Walk

Back near the start of my walk this week in York, I came out of the trees towards the urban landscape. Having enjoyed my walk along the banks of the River Ouse, albeit a wet one, I felt that this and one or two other shots along my way deserved a monochrome treatment.

Monochrome Mast

I am not sure of my reasoning for producing them as black and white images, they just seemed to work better for me in this format. You can see them along with selected colour shots from my walk below as well as my soundscape for the walk and a video clip of the rowers I passed first on my way into town and then again on my way back.

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weeping willow

Weeping Willow


Still walking fast towards the end of my walk this week along the banks of the River Ouse in York, I paused from time to time to take photos, record sound and also some video – all on my iPhone 6s. The rain had been falling but the breeze was gentle and this is reflected in the motion of the weeping willow and water patterns in the video below.

The atmosphere was very damp but with a tranquil sense of place. The people living in the houses set back from the riverbank have a very attractive scene in from of them. However, they alsoContinue reading

Blue Bridge, York

Over and On the River – Bridges and Rowers in York

My walk this week took me down the River Ouse to Skeldergate Bridge in the city of York. After climbing up to the bridge from the east bank of the river I first crossed over the bridge and then the road to descend and go under the bridge and continue my walk back along the west bank.

River Ouse from Skeldergate

Along my way into town I passed a team of four rowers practicing their craft on the Ouse and heading out in the direction of the Millennium Bridge where I had first crossed the river.Continue reading

Ouse riverside walk

My Walk this Week – Wet One by the Ouse

My walk this week is a wet one by the River Ouse in York where I have been travelling on a few occasions lately. It is strange being in York after Wales because there are no hills in York at all – I suspect that is why there are so many cyclists there.

York Millennium Bridge

No hills may be what cyclists prefer but for me, I like a good hill or mountain to climb and I found the only way to work a head of steam was to put on a marching pace. I think if I lived there I might take up running (or cycling I suppose!). Continue reading

Campus Evening – Reviewing the Walk

At the end of my walk this week it is still only 4:20 pm but the last remaining light in the sky is all but gone. In the shade of York University campus it is completely gone and lights are reflecting on the dark surface of the campus lake around which I have been walking. There was no ice on the lake but it felt bitterly cold at the time – however, this may have been because I kept stopping to take in the sights and record the sounds.

The soundscape is below along with a selected sequence of images from my walk.

Geese at sunset

York Uni night lights

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